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Do You Trust Your Invisible Guest?

Circles of Love - From the Science of Mind Magazine

We are a group of people who come together to have meaningful conversation about articles in the magazine. Metaphysical discussions based upon an article.

Ah….gratitude is in the air. I can just smell the turkey and sweet potato casserole baking in the oven right now. On a lighter side, well maybe not, this month we have devoted our focus on gratitude. Our feature this week was written by one of my professors at Holmes Institute, Mark Waldman on page 91 of the SOM magazine. Long story short, he urges us to rather than get or take advice, go within. Our Invisible Guest knows way more than any of us. Most of us don’t realize that or care for that matter. The secret is to build that muscle of trust in order to reap the rewards we seek.

Mark urges us to surrender our own authority and question our own beliefs about everything. In other words, ask your intuition, our Invisible Guest. Another piece of gold he offered was, “in the past, before you respond to another person’s request for help, ask yourself if you have enough information about the specific circumstances to recommend advice.” Now, he realizes that his interpretation is different from what the other person intended.

This is great advice. Maybe we can now keep out mouth closed and just let people vent. If they ask us for wisdom, offer something without a solution…your time and support. Being tolerant of others may give us a new perspective of life and ourselves.

Choose to have a memory of things to be grateful for by creating memories for the people in your life. I can’t wait to see my family and friends this season. I hope you have the same experience with yours.

Love, Light, and Laughter

Rev Lyssa

Thank you for joining us. (No meeting Thanksgiving Week) See you Dec. 2

Feel free to invite a friend to join us for Circles of Love on Zoom

Thursdays at 10 am CST

Please go to and click on Quick Links for your invitation. I will respond asap.

email Rev. Lyssa for the link:

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