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March 2020 Week 3

FEATURE #3: “What Sex is your God?” By: Dennis M Jones (pg 66)

What a question! I recall years ago when I first was introduced to new thought, that very question and I thought they had lost their mind by asking that. It never occurred to me that God was all in all. I thought God was a man that sat on a throne in the clouds along side Jesus and who knows what else and that I had to answer to him one day someday. Sound familiar? To learn how to forget all the beliefs of God I had was a challenge. Today, I do know whatever we think God is, God is more…way more. I really enjoyed this feature because it explains what Science of Mind is all about. Let’s look how Ernest Holmes defines God: “The Father-Mother God: The Masculine and Feminine Principles of Being, as included in the Androgynous One or First Cause.”

Let’s look how the author questions the definition of God: “Is it possible that God could be genderless-or androgynous-while at the same time being both masculine and/or feminine?” Our author used the term “It” to refer to God as he asked, “And it is up to you, individually, to determine how you relate to It-masculine, feminine, neither or both.” Doesn’t this remind you how Ernest Holmes refers to God as “It?” I remember in my first year of Practitioner training, reading one of Holmes books where he used that term for God as “It.” I first got very upset but later I learned why he made this term. Now you know!

(Q)There are 5 questions we need to address:

1. How do we understand the idea of God as gender-less, and both masculine and feminine at the same time?

2. Do you have a sense of God as a gender?

3. Are you comfortable with having an androgynous God?

4. Can you reconcile the idea that God is both masculine and feminine?

5. Can you see yourself inclusive of both?

(Q) Let’s distinguish between “sex” and gender. Can you see and feel the difference? (top of page 68)

In the Beginning, Only God: One Creative Mind, One Creative Power pg 68

The author tells us, “In the beginning there was only God-and there is still only God.” This is paradoxical. How can 2 principles come from One Un-dividable Creative Intelligence, or First Cause?

We as fellow SOM students can be OK with this paradox, right? Are you? Do you fully understand what feminine and masculine natures of God/It are?

Jones writes, (mid pg 68) “Expanding at the speed of light, the universe is perpetually creating more of itself from within itself. To realize that we are part of that creative process can be both empowering and enlightening.”

(Q) Have you ever thought about you as contributing to and participating in the expansion of the universe?

Important Jones says, “We must accept that we are each microcosms of the grand macrocosm (God) and, as such, contained within the microcosm (you and me) lies the whole creative process of the universe, including both the masculine and feminine principles, there to assist us in creating the life we desire.” So now we understand how the Divine contains both the masculine and feminine….it has to in order to see creation. This is a two- fold universal principle that we have in each of us.

It is the biology of creating life when you have male and female procreating. This is understood as the creative process. Now you get it!

Spiritualizing the Creative Process: From the One Come the Many pg 68 bottom

(Q) I am curious if you can sit back and realize how, for the lack of words, sacred and beautiful life really is? Jones does and asks us to be the same. He refers to God as “the beloved One.” I call God “Beautiful One or Big Red Flower.” What do you call God?

Now that we understand both principles, let’s look at our nature when we are fully balanced with both. Jones says that Jesus was in complete balance with these qualities. What would that be like? In other words; what are qualities of the Divine Masculine? What are the qualities of the Divine Feminine?

Masculine qualities: peacemaking, supporting, assertive, loving, generous, content, justice seeking, humble, emotive, bold, having conviction, truth seeking, and justive giving.

Feminine qualities: nurturing, care-giving, truth telling and seeking, assertive, creating, prayerful, faithful, gentle, communal, communicating, God centered, self-loving, interdependent, and forgiving.

Now here is the culmination of all these qualities……Christ Consciousness; All working together for the good of man. Can you see yourself in this? You would be a fully actualized Divine in the human.

Jones talks about his friend Whittington saying (lower pg 69) “Our world is crying out for people who are deeply connected to their true essence, which means having full access to both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.”

When we all embrace both our masculine and feminine and fully embody them activated, can you imagine life here on Earth? Can you see women in more powerful positions with the emergence of a new kind of leadership once they embrace their energies? We will work with both genders on a new and powerful scale? This would shift humanity. A new future would emerge….a new balance within all people. Are you inspired to nurture this balance within yourself? What would unconditional love look like on a global level? It’s coming. A new dawn is on the rise. It truly is “the pure essence of love that we seek to express.”

Love, light, and laughter,

Rev Lyssa

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