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"We Can't Help But CREATE!!"

Thanks for your patience this week, as my many muses have been creatively blooming all around me.

This week spoke to me in a meaningful way. You have heard “in God’s perfect timing?” This was it. We talked about Julie Mireau’s feature, “Living the Writer’s Life” on page 66 of the Science of Mind magazine. The people there were all considering writing something whether it was a book, memoirs, or a blog. The author suggests that the only reason to do anything is for love.” I wonder if that beautiful statement were carried in the news and political scene, how we would be different? As students of Science of Mind, we understand that this is true of any goal as are creative people are always expanding as we should.

Ernest Holmes says “we can’t help but create”. It is who we are. I completely understand this creative impulse. Writing as your self-expression is just another way to paint a canvas figuratively speaking. Once you get hooked writing, you enter a new world of creativity. Mierau relays, ”You ask a writer what they should be doing and the answer will be, ‘Writing.” Every single time, will be the answer.” I am not there yet. I have so many aversions that I try to balance one with the 100 others. However, I do have a creative space for me to write. I have the desire and I have the goal. Let the games begin.

If you have considered writing creatively as a contribution or just developing your talents for your family, makes no difference…..allow yourself the pleasure of being creative. Follow your inner voice and speak your stuff…say something. It can be quite entertaining, therapeutic, and rewarding. Who knows, you might be developing the next author of a book or magazine?

Circles of Love

We gather online every Thursday at 10am CST in my Zoom Consciousness Raising Meeting Room.

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